Preface (How to Draw Like Me)

As the title of the page, How to Draw Like Me, suggests, these "tutorial" postings are not intended to teach you how to draw but how to draw like me. For those who are confused, let me explain what I mean by that.

I am a self-taught "artist" so I don't know and cannot teach the drawing principles or basics of any sort. Yes, I really don't know and am still trying to learn. Therefore, when reading these tutorials, I'd like you to be aware that I am just showing you how I draw (not how you should be drawing), which you might find it wrong or ineffective.

So, I suggest that you don't waste your time here if you are already better than me or have received higher education in art, because I'm sure you'll be disappointed. ;)

I'm open to any request, suggestion, or feedback to improve either my blog or my drawing skills so please feel free to contact me if you have any of them for me.

Thank you for visiting my blog! Please enjoy it :)

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